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Tattoo Aftercare Tips

A new experience every time

Tattoos have been in trend since quite some time now. Getting a tattoo is a new kind of experience every time. Even if you have had a tattoo before, when you get a new one, it would be a different experience and you would have to be cautious with how you take care of it.

Taking care of a tattoo is rather important immediately after you get it. This is due to the fact that if the tattoo gets infected, sepsis and septic shock can result. You would not want to place your health in jeopardy, which is why taking care of the tattoo is something that you can take no chances with.

broken image

What needs to be done?

According to, one of the most important things that needs to be done after you get a tattoo is to listen to the instructions given by the artist carefully. Most people tend to be rather dismissive. The artist would tell you in great detail about the things that you should do and what you should stay away from. Pay heed to his instructions.

  • Do not wrap your tattoo if no such instruction has been given by the tattoo artist. You need to ensure that the hygiene of the tattoo is maintained after the protection is taken off. The tattoo is similar to an injury and should be treated as such.
  • While washing the tattoo, you should be rather gentle. Use an antibacterial soap that is devoid of any harmful chemicals. If you want to dry it, use a clean paper towel gently. Hygiene needs to be maintained to the highest degree while the tattoo is healing.
  • It is common to experience inflammation a couple of days after the tattoo is applied. If the inflammation or discomfort persists after this period, it is advisable that you contact the tattoo artist who would guide you on the course of action that you ought to take.
  • During the healing process, some liquid might seep from the area. Do not be alarmed by it and do not allow it to dry. Doing so would form scab, so you should ensure that it is kept a little moist.
  • Ointments are usually provided by the tattoo artists. Dab it gently and do not overdo it.
  • Also, avoid soaking your tattoo for at least a month.